Lambda için ne yapacağız sorusunun yanıtı.

Basina ve kamuoyuna;

29 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Lambdaistanbul derneginin kapatilma davasinda yerel mahkeme, kapatma yönünde karar verdi.

Bu karari degerlendirmek için 3 Haziran 2008 Sali günü saat 11.00'de, Sivil Toplum Örgütleri ile milletvekilleri Sebahat Tuncel ve Ufuk Uras'in da katilimiyla bir basin toplantisi düzenlemekteyiz. Katiliminiz ve desteginizden onur duyariz.

Tarih: 3 Haziran 2008 Sali

Saat: 11:00

Yer: Taksim Hill Oteli

Adres: Siraselviler Caddesi No:5 (Taksim Meydani Girisi) Beyoglu-Istanbul

Iletisim: tel/faks: 0 (212) 245 70 68

Gasp Edilen Örgütlenme Hakkimizin Helvasini Yiyoruz

1993'ten bu yana faaliyetlerini sürdüren Lambdaistanbul 2006 Mayis'inda Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Dayanisma Dernegi adiyla tüzel bir kisilik kazandi. Istanbul Valiligi'nin, dernek tüzügünün hukuka ve ahlaka aykiri oldugunu iddia ederek dernegin kapatilmasi için yaptigi basvuruyla baslayan hukuki süreç, 29 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Beyoglu 3. Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesi'nin dernegin kapatilmasi yönünde bir karar vermesiyle yeni bir asamaya girdi. Hukuk mücadelemiz temyiz yoluyla devam edecektir.

Insan haklarina duyarli tüm kisi ve kuruluslari, mahalle hukukunun gasp ettigi örgütlenme özgürlügümüzün helvasini yemek için 7 haziran 2008 Cumartesi günü gerçeklestirecegimiz basin açiklamamiza katiliminizi bekliyoruz.

Tarih: 7 Haziran 2008 Cumartesi

Bulusma yeri ve saati: Taksim Tramvay Duragi 13.00

Basin Açiklamasi yeri ve saati: Galatasaray Meydani 13.30

Iletisim için:

tel/faks: 0 (212) 245 70 68

29 Mayis 2008


29 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Lambdaistanbul derneginin kapatilma davasinda yerel mahkeme, kapatma yonunde karar verdi. Bundan sonraki surec, davanin Yargitay tarafindan incelenmesiyle devam edecek. Bu surec tamamlanana kadar dernek varligini surdurecek.

1993'ten beri Istanbul'da faaliyet gosteren Lambdaistanbul, 2006 Mayis'inda derneklesti. Istanbul Valiligi, dernek tuzugunun hukuka ve ahlaka aykiri oldugunu iddia ederek kapatilmasi icin savciliga basvurdu. Savci orgutlenme ozgurlugu kapsaminda davayi reddetmesine ragmen Valilik karara itiraz ederek konuyu mahkemeye tasidi. 2007 Temmuz'unda gorulmeye baslayan davanin 6. durusmasi 29 Mayis 2008 tarihinde Beyoglu 3. Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesi'nde goruldu ve yerel mahkeme, dernegin tuzugunu hukuka ve ahlaka aykiri bularak kapatilmasina karar verdi.

Lambdaistanbul derneginin kapatilma istemiyle acilan dava surecinden bizim anladigimiz, Turkiye'de fiilen ve yasal olarak varolan LGBTT orgutlerinin yasal alanin disina itilmeye calisildigidir. Toplumsal duzen, kendi icindeki celiskileri cozmeye calismak yerine, bu celiskilerin hali hazirda ceremesini ceken kimlikleri ve kisilikleri mahkum etmektedir. Boylece toplumsal duzeni koruma iddasinda olanlar LGBTT'lerin her an ve her turlu somuruye acik bir sekilde yasamaya devam etmelerinin kendi cikarlarina daha iyi uydugunu acikca belirtmis oldular.

Bizler her hak mucadelesinin mesru zeminini yaratmanin uzun cabalar gerektiginin bilincinde olarak yasal taninirlik uzerinden mesruiyet zeminimizi artirma cabalarimiza devam edecegiz.

Lambdaistanbul LGBTT Dayanisma Dernegi

Tel: +90 (0) 212 245 70 68
Istiklâl Caddesi, Katip Celebi Mah. Tel Sok. No: 28/6 Kat:5
Beyoglu - Istanbul

Lambdaistanbul Court Case Decision: What's Next?

97 kere okundu

Istanbul, May 29th, 2008

Lambdaistanbul Court Case Decision: What's Next?

On May 29th, 2008, the local court in Istanbul has announced its judgment for Lambdaistanbul LGBT Solidarity Association to be shut down. The legal process will go on with the Supreme Court of Appeals looking over the case file. The association is not yet closed down until there is a final decision by the Supreme Court of Appeals.

Lambdaistanbul, a local organization which has been active since 1993, has been a registered association in May, 2006. However, the City Government of Istanbul has claimed the association's statute to be against the law and public morality, and applied to the prosecutor's office for a closing case against Lambdaistanbul. Although the prosecutor has rejected the case on the basis of freedom of association, the City Government has appealed to the decision, so the issue was taken to court. The proceedings started in July 2007. The sixth hearing of the case was heard on May 29th, 2008 in Beyoglu 3rd Civil Court of First Instance, and the local court has made a decision for Lambdaistanbul to be shut down, despite the legal expert's report which stated that the association is not against the law or public morality.

The way we see this process is that LGBT organizations that currently exist either in practice or as registered entities in Turkey are trying to be pushed out of the legal domain. Instead of accepting their existence and protecting their basic rights, the state authorities choose to condemn LGBT people, by depriving them of their right to association.

We will go on with our work to raise our ground of legitimacy through legal recognition, knowing that it is a long road to build the legitimate ground for any struggle of rights.

We call the international community to support us in our work:

1. We invite your organization to sign our press release, which will be issued on Tuesday, June 3rd, to increase national and international awareness on this matter. If you want your organization's name to appear in this press release as a supporter of Lambdaistanbul, please contact us at:

2. We will do a demonstration on Saturday, June 7th, to protest against this court decision. We invite you to organize campaigns and demonstrations in your own area, in order to support our cause. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

With solidarity,

Lambdaistanbul LGBT Solidarity Association

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