for Dr.Andrej Holm and radical knowledge of Social Sciences - petition

Asagida Pelin'in mektubu:

Sevgili Arkadaslar;
Berlin-Humboldt universitesinden sosyolog Dr.Anrej Holm ve arkadaslari; gentrification arastirmalari yuzunden helikopter ile yerlerinden alinarak Alman Hukumeti tarafindan tutuklandilar. Suc delili olarak sunulan akademik arastirmalar "terorist" hareketler olarak tanimlandi.
Dr.Andrej Holm ve arkadaslarina destek vermek; ayrica gelecekte akademilerde radikal sosyal bilimler arastirmalarinin ve bilgi uretiminin sinirlanmasini engellemek icin lutfen imzaya katilin.

iyi calismalar
pelin tan.
Dear All,

Dr.Andrej Holm who is an urban sociologist from Humblodt university works on gentrification studies; has been arrested by the German Government.

"On 31st July 2007 the flats and workplaces of Dr. Andrej Holm and Dr. Matthias B., as well as of two other persons, were searched by the police. Dr. Andrej Holm was arrested, flown by helicopter to the German Federal Court in Karlsruhe and brought before the custodial judge. Since then he has been held in pretrial confinement in a Berlin jail. All four people have been charged with "membership in a terrorist association according to § 129a StGB" (German Penal Code, section 7 on 'Crimes against Public Order'). They are alleged to be members of a so-called 'militante gruppe' (mg)."

We are signing and gathering open letter and petition for the sociologists Dr.Andrej Holm and his friends; and to protect the radical knowledge production of social sciences.

Here are the sites:
http://www.freeandr (organized by humbodt),
http://einstellung. en /openletter (organize by manuel albers, neil brenner and margit mayer)

best regards
pelin tan.

Open letter to the Generalbundesanwaltschaft against the criminalization of critical academic research and political engagement (summary)

On 31st July 2007 the flats and workplaces of Dr. Andrej Holm and Dr. Matthias B., as well as of five other persons, were searched by the police. Dr. Andrej Holm was arrested, flown by helicopter to the German Federal Court in Karlsruhe and brought before the custodial judge. Since then he has been held in pretrial confinement in a Berlin jail.

A few hours before the house searches, Florian L., Oliver R. und Axel H.were arrested in the Brandenburg region and accused of attempted arson on four vehicles of the German Federal Army. Andrej Holm is alleged to have met one of these three persons on two occasions in the first half of 2007 in supposedly “conspiratorial circumstances”. They, too, have been held in pretrial confinement in a Berlin jail. All seven people have been charged with “membership in a terrorist association according to § 129a StGB” (German Penal Code, section 7 on‘Crimes against Public Order’). They are alleged to be members of a so-called ‘militante gruppe’ (mg). The text of the search warrant revealed that preliminary proceedings against these four people have been going on since September 2006 and that the four had since been under constant surveillance.

We demand that the Federal Prosecutor (Bundesanwaltschaft) immediately suspend the § 129a-proceedings against all parties concerned and to release Andrej Holm and the other imprisoned from jail at once. We strongly reject the outrageous accusation that the academic research activities and the political engagement of Andrej Holm are to be viewed as complicity in an alleged “terrorist association”. No arrest warrant can be deduced from the academic research and political work of Andrej Holm. The Federal Prosecutor, through applying Article § 129, is threatening the freedom of research and teaching as well as social-political engagement...

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